Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tennis Teacher Vs Silent Partner

Tennis Teacher Vs Silent PartnerIn the world of coaching, one thing is certain - you should never be competing with your tennis tutor. Coach-vs-teacher is a clear indication that you are not living up to expectations. But when it comes to tennis, you will be competing with your silent partner (your coach) in a very different way. It is important that both sides understand that they need to work together for a common goal.We have all heard the adage, 'You are what you eat', and that is true for tennis as well. If you are constantly striving to improve yourself, then you will improve with your coach. If you do not pay attention to the coach, then you will never improve. But by doing exactly what your coach tells you to do, you will eventually be able to improve on your own.Here is a tip for anyone seeking a good tennis coach. Look at them through a more critical lens. Instead of just watching them play, let's look at them through their eyes. There will be times when they can help you w ith something, and there will be times when they will not.A good coach understands that you cannot do everything. I don't mean that he is too hard on you, but that he understands the fact that you do not have all the answers. If your coach was not in a position to see you as a student, then he or she would probably ignore you completely. Instead, he or she is genuinely interested in helping you improve your game. They want to make you better.Your coach is your silent partner. There is a lot of hard work involved, but they take pride in their work. It is their job to improve your game. At the same time, they also want to improve their own game. If your coach and your partner are not on the same page, then the outcome could be disastrous.If you are going to play tennis, you must continue to coach yourself. There is a lot of work involved, but you do not need to hire someone else to do it for you. Keep up with your program and build on it. It may be impossible to get all of your skills to be where you want them to be, but you are definitely capable of getting them to a place where they are worth working toward. You must know that your coach has a specific path to follow, and that they are committed to sticking to it. So you better start paying attention to how well they have followed through on it.Teaching your coach how to be a silent partner is much easier said than done. But once you get started, it will become second nature. You will both be enjoying each other's company and you will both be improving your game.

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